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Trades Union Councils

Trades Union Councils are local groups of trade unionists. They are elected from trade union branches whose members live and/or work in the area. Trades Union Councils are often referred to simply as Trades Councils (TCs). 

Trades Councils promote effective solidarity in disputes, joint campaigns on issues such as health, education, welfare and transport, and, in general, provide the vital link between the workplace and the wider working-class community. Trade union branches affiliate to their local TC on the basis of a small annual fee per member. Trades Councils are affiliated to the STUC, send delegates to its Congress and are represented on the STUC General Council.

19 Trades Councils are affiliated to the STUC for session 2024/5. 


What do Trades Councils do?

Trades Councils campaign locally, often organising May Day and International Workers Memorial Day events.

For details of May Day 2024 events, follow this link.

Trades Councils promote effective solidarity in disputes, joint campaigns on issues such as health, council budgets and cuts, education, welfare and transport, and, in general, provide the vital link between the workplace and the wider working-class community.

For example, in 2023, local Trade Union councils, led by the Paisley Trades Council, and union members from across the region travelled to Erskine in a show of solidarity with asylum seekers living in the area. The asylum seekers had been subject to harassment and protests from various far-right groups who tried to develop a base in the community. In May 2023, over four hundred trade unionists and activists were present at a community event. Other events have included community barbeques, sports sessions and demonstrations in support of refugees and asylum seekers.

Following this, we supported local union activists and Trades Councils to successfully campaign against the far right who were planning a demonstration in Elgin. An excellent response from the Moray Trades Council ensured that a small number of far-right activists, from outside the town, were massively outnumbered and swiftly sent packing. 


Trades Councils and the Trade Union Movement 

Trades councils are the local trade union movement! They can be called upon by any trade union branch to show strike or other dispute solidarity, which could be via a picket line, media publicity or a financial appeal. National Trade Unions can promote their priority issues more effectively when local Trades Councils assist with publicity, leaflet distribution, recruitment, and speakers at meetings.


Affiliated Trades Union Councils


John Singer

22a Adelphi, Aberdeen AB11 5BL

Tel: 07900 280 805

Email: secretary@atuc.org.uk 

Web: www.atuc.org.uk 



Thomas Morrison

105 Alderman Road, Glasgow G13 3BP

Tel: 07986 706290

Email: tam_morrison@yahoo.co.uk 


Dumfries & Galloway

John Dennis

31 Glencaple Avenue, Dumfries DG1 4SH

Tel: 07890 444650

Email: dumfriestuc@gmail.com 



Mike Arnott

141 Yarrow Terrace, Menzieshill, Dundee DD2 4DY

Tel: 07951 443656

Email: dundeetuc@ymail.com 


East Ayrshire

Arthur West

16 Annandale Way, Irvine KA11 1RA

Tel: 07826 127759

Email: arthurwest7@hotmail.co.uk 


East Kilbride & South Lanarkshire

Hazel Marshall

76 Alberta Avenue, East Kilbride G75 8AE

Tel: 07828 962953

Email: hazel@unison-southlanarkshire.org.uk 



Des Loughney

113 Kingsknowe Road North, Edinburgh EH14 2DQ

Tel: 07734 012536

Email: DesETUC@virginmedia.com 



Duncan McCallum

6 Dochart Crescent, Polmont, Stirlingshire FK2 0RE

Tel: 07913 608784

Email: FalkirkTUC@blueyonder.co.uk 


Tam Kirby

Email: fifetradesunioncouncil@gmail.com 



Patricia Donnelly

c/o STUC, 8 Landressy Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow G40 1BP

Email: triciagtuc@hotmail.co.uk 


Greenock & District

Edward Macdonald

44 Davaar Road, Greenock, Inverclyde PA16 0RD

Tel: 07984 517519

Email: emac@gconnect.com; etadmin@gconnect.com 


Inverness & District

Leah Ganley

41 Kirkside, Alness IV17 0RP

Email: leah_ganley@hotmail.com 


Irvine & North Ayrshire

Arthur West

16 Annandale Way, Irvine KA11 1RA

Tel: 07826 127759

Email: arthurwest7@hotmail.co.uk 



Rab Paterson

34 DeQuincey Road, Lasswade, Midlothian EH18 1DG

Tel: 0131 663 4011

Email: robplynl@hotmail.com 



David Blair

Tel: 07549 949566

Email: moraytuc@outlook.com 


North Lanarkshire

David Hainey

3 Ellisland Wynd, Motherwell ML1 5HF

Tel: 07920 521076

Email: mrdhainey@hotmail.co.uk 


Paisley & District

Robert Parker

The White House, Brediland Road, Paisley PA2 9ES

Tel: 07515 886080

Email: r_n_parker@hotmail.co.uk 


Thurso & Wick

John Deighan

3 Millers Terrace, Thurso, Caithness KW14 8AY

Tel: 07809 586918

Email: john.deighan43@hotmail.com 


West Lothian

Neil Findlay

5 Bellona Terrace, Fauldhouse, West Lothian EH47 9EP

Tel: 07881 512341

Email: neil@unityconsulting.scot 
