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Better Buses - Just the Ticket

Our public transport system is not working for people across Scotland.

Across our railways, bus networks, ferry services and lifeline air routes, services are being cut while costs rise. For private companies, operating these essential services can be lucrative business, yet too often they are leaving people in Scotland behind.

In recent years, Scotrail and the Caledonian Sleeper have been brought back into public ownership. New powers given to local authorities mean we can now bring our bus services back into public control for the first time since deregulation in the 1970s.

What do we want?

In parts of Europe, we can see what public transport should look like – simple ticketing covering all modes of travel, at affordable prices, and with frequent and reliable services.

Given their new powers, we’re calling on all local authorities across Scotland to establish municipal bus companies. To support these efforts, the Scottish Government must support local authorities with the investment needed to purchase new buses.

With municipal bus services, alongside publicly owned rail, and ferry networks, we can integrate our public transport to set up a 21st century model of simple and coordinated, ticketing, pricing, and timetabling – improving services, reducing costs, and cutting climate emissions from transport in Scotland.

Integrated public transport in Scotland has been delayed for far too long – we demand better buses now.
