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Women Workers

The STUC Women’s Committee campaigns on a wide range of areas affecting women in Scotland and beyond, working to tackle gender-based discrimination and inequality.


Every day, women are contributing to and making history, yet their achievements, stories and successes are often overlooked. The Herstory Project aims to empower trade union women with the confidence, courage, and skills to share a story of their own.

Food for Thought

We are leading the campaign to expand free school meals to all children and young people attending publicly funded schools in Scotland. We have gathered support from anti-poverty organisations, charities and politicians to demand Scottish Government deliver of their promises to expand free school meals in primary schools as a first step towards universal provision.

Tackling Sexual Harassment at Work

We want an end sexual harassment in all forms, and demand that employers take action to provide safe workplaces. Our research “Silence is Compliance” provided key actions for employers, government and trade unions to implement.

You can download the Silence is Compliance report here.

To view our Silence is Compliance campaign video click here.

STUC Women’s Weekend School

The STUC Women’s Committee hold an annual Weekend School every year. Its purpose is to enhance knowledge and skills, particularly trade union conference skills, and increase confidence in a range of areas. Click here to read more about the Women’s Weekend School.

Get in touch

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