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LGBT+ Workers

The STUC LGBT+ Committee leads on campaigns and policy for LGBT+ trade union members in Scotland.

Challenging Discrimination at Work

LGBT Discrimination in the Workplace Survey

LGBT+ History Month saw the launch of the STUC LGBT+ Committee’s new campaign with a webinar exploring LGBT+ Discrimination in the Workplace and the launch of a survey for LGBT+ workers.

The survey aimed to gather LGBT+ workers’ experiences, good and bad, in the workplace to allow the STUC’s LGBT+ Committee to best focus their campaigning on the biggest priorities.

The survey is now closed and the data is being analysed by the Committee.

Trans Guidance

The guide aims to provide trade union reps with a greater understanding of transgender people and transitioning at work, transphobia and discrimination at work, inclusive language and examples of implementing and negotiating a trans equality model policy. 

Download the STUC Trans Guidance here.



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