- Michael Craig, UNISON
- Ann Cameron-Burns, UNISON
- David Dick, Educational Institute of Scotland
- Jenny Douglas Unite the Union
- Kim Gillanders, NASUWT
- N. Graham, Unite the Union
- T. Granger, GMB Scotland
- Nik James, NASUWT
- Sarah Krasewitz, Unite the Union
- Sophia Lycouris, University and College Union Scotland
- Ciorstaidh Reichle, GMB Scotland
- Stewart Wakelam-Munro, Unite the Union
These representatives, along with the Committee’s wider engagement with the General Council allows for LGBT+ equality to be mainstreamed into the wider work of the STUC. The work plan of the Committee is determined following discussions by the Committee on the motions agreed at Conference and takes account of the wider policies of the STUC as a whole.