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Our people

The STUC employs over 30 members of staff to deliver the priorities of the General Council.

The organisation is led by our senior management team:


Rozanne Foyer – General Secretary

Rozanne FoyerRoz leads the STUC and is our main spokesperson.

Roz oversees all aspects of the organisation, including our finances and governance, on behalf of the General Council, and leads on developing our organisational strategy and priorities. 

Roz represents the General Council on a number of high-profile public bodies ensuring trade union voices are heard in decision making processes in Scotland.


Dave Moxham – Deputy General Secretary

Dave MoxhamDave heads up our Campaigns & Communications team and is responsible for driving forward the General Council’s priority campaign areas.

Along with Roz, he is a key spokesperson for the organisation.

Dave coordinates the work of our trades councils, our Organising Group, and is leading on the on-going review of trade union education in Scotland.

Dave also manages our new Just Transition project alongside our long-running Community & Union Development and Unions into Schools projects.


Linda Somerville – Deputy General Secretary

Linda SomervilleLinda leads the policy, political engagement, and equality team, working to ensure that all levels of government are held accountable to the trade union movement.

She coordinates our Equality Committees and Conferences, and is Secretary to the Standing Orders Committee at Annual Congress.

Linda is currently managing the STUC’s participation in the Scottish and UK COVID enquiries and is coordinating our Fair Care campaign.


The STUC is a Fair Work Employer - you can read our Fair Work statement here.

If you would like to get in touch with anyone at the STUC, please fill in the form below. For media enquiries, please visit our Newsroom.
